Welcome to Good Mexican Girl! We are based in Tongva Territory / Los Angeles, CA.
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Wow where has this year gone?

#farmersmarket #goodmexicangirl #newproducts #popups #veganempanadas

Happy full moon lovelies. It's already mid-July and apparently I haven't checked in with you all about what's going on with Good Mexican Girl. 

We joined a farmer's market on Wednesdays at the California Market Center. For July and August we are taking a hiatus and will return in September with new bakes. 

Because of joining the market, we added vegan empanadas to our repetoire. We have joined pop-ups at Church of Seitan and Capuyo Cafe. Now we'll have one on August 10 with our friends Craft Beer Cellar in Eagle Rock. 

If you follow us on instagram you may have noticed that we are doing pop-ups at least once a week. With the break from the farmer's market, I didn't bake until last week for the Mar Vista Art Walk. Woah it was too hot to bake. We made our top sellers and will have more available at our upcoming events. 

We are now in the midst of growing our bakery with wholesale orders. We are seeking to move to a commercial kitchen. It's been seven years in the making. Now that I'm not teaching and only living off my businesses it's been heaven.

I'm in the kitchen creating a few new vegan desserts and confections. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, feel free to order from our site and get free shipping on your orders with code Lucky7. 

photo by: Mia Bella Chavez / Las Fotos Project

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