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Rosca de Reyes (Ring of Kings)

#Bread #gluten-free #Mexican #RoscadeReyes #Traditions #Epiphany

My namesake in Spanish is queen. So each January 6 on the day of the Epiphany I would also celebrate my namesake. In Mexico this day is known as Dia de los Reyes. It was also great because as a child I would leave my shoes out to get presents from the Magi.

When we bought our home, I made it a point to have a Three Kings party and learned how to bake the Rosca de Reyes that is traditionally served. I struggled each year to master working with yeast and waiting to see if the bread would rise. Each year, luckily enough the bread came out tasty and flaky. I would secretly hide the baby jesus in the bread. It is tradition that whoever gets the baby jesus needs to throw a party on February 2 for La Candelaria. There have been tales that people swallow the baby jesus or hide it under their tongue so as not to be responsible to hold the next fiesta.

As we enter another year, Good Mexican Girl also has Rosca de Reyes available with gluten or sin gluten (gluten-free). Each rosca comes with a porcelain baby hidden inside and are decorated with dried fruits. We do add almond flour to the mix. If you are allergic to nuts please let us know so we can not add it to your order.

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  • liza on

    Are these still available?

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